Scientific Program
Scientific Conference
Transforming towards a sustainable society - challenges and solutions
Energy supply, extraction of raw materials, mobility, and sustainable transformation of cities: The Conference of the KIT Science Week will focus on central topics of the future. International researchers will discuss challenges and solutions. In-person attendance is subject to a fee.
Call for Papers deadline: September 15, 2023
Registration deadline: September 30, 2023
Date and Venue:
10/11/2023 until 10/13/2023
KIT Campus South of – Building 20.30
Englerstraße 2, 76131 Karlsruhe
Organizing Institution:
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Helmholtz Sustainability Summit
Shaping sustainability throug dialogue!
At the fourth Helmholtz Sustainability Summit, we are shaping sustainability in dialogue. How do the Helmholtz Centres implement sustainability strategies and guidelines in practice? What does Open Science have to do with sustainability? The Summit provides the framework for an informative and constructive exchange in all fields of sustainability.
Registration deadline: September 27, 2023
Date and Venue:
10/10/2023 until 10/11/2023
KIT Campus South
Nachrichtentechnik-Hörsaal (NTI), Engesserstraße 5
Lernzentrum (LAF), Wolfgang-Gaede-Straße 6,
76131 Karlsruhe
Organizing Institution:
Helmholtz Working Group Sustainability Forum